Sunday, September 22, 2013


Why is it that we always feel strange
when there is no sound?
Have we become so strangled by noise
That we cannot stand quiet in a crowd.
Even by oneself, you hear a wide range
Of rhythmic patterns or ones of cacophonic poise.
Society rushes and makes din so constantly, that we only feel comfortable when it's loud.

Yet what is truly precious is the silence.
People need to learn how to appreciate quietness
As they often feel breaking it to be a necessity.
Quietness is a time of pensiveness,
It is where you become entranced with remembrance.
There are no cares or dangers in this serenity,
And people need to learn to enjoy the and precious moments of silence, rather than find them and grimace.

Silence is when your other senses are at their strongest
You feel more, vividly remember the touch, the smell, the beauty, and the emotions of the moment.
Silence is not awkward, it is what you will cherish the longest.

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